The YG Connection
The Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand E-Magazine
   67 Alexandra Street, East St Kilda VIC 3183, Australia
Phone: (03) 9525-9165 ~ Fax: (03) 9525-9970

Welcome to the fourth issue of the YG Connection - your one-stop source for all the latest news and developments at the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand. To subscribe, please visit, or email us at

Torah Gatherings

Kinus Hashluchim - 5771

The Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand (Yeshivah Gedolah – Melbourne) hosted the annual "Kinus HaShluchim" conference for the Talmidim HaShluchim of Australia. The Sydney Shluchim began arriving in Melbourne on Thursday, 12 Tamuz. The Kinus formally began at the community Farbrengen held in honour of Yud-Beis Tamuz, led by the renowned Mashpia Rabbi Yossi Paltiel... 
Click here for more information, and for photos of the event.

News & Events

Gimmel Tammuz 5771

One month prior to Gimmel Tammuz, the Shluchim of the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand (Yeshivah Gedolah – Melbourne) initiated a Mivtzah (campaign) to encourage the students to prepare for this auspicious day. The Mivtzah was coordinated by Shluchim Tzvi Hirsch Gourarie and Shmuel Lipskier, and special booklets were prepared by Shliach Moshe Wolvovsky. Students were encouraged to participate in a variety of ways...

Click here for more information, and for photos of the event.


A farbrengen is a Chassidic gathering in which the participants inspire each other, in the spirit of true ahavas yisroel (love for one's fellow jew), to lead an exemplary Jewish life. In this new series, we offer you a small sample of the farbrengens that our students attended. What a Hasidic farbrengen can achieve, even the angel Michoel cannot achieve!"

Feller_Small.jpg Don't leave home without them! 
Rabbi Moshe Feller
 is a senior Shliach (Chabad-Lubavitch emissary); he has been reaching out to fellow Jews in his native Minnesota since the early 1960's. In particular, he is famous for always carrying a pair of Tefillin wherever he goes, adopting the American Express Card motto "Don't leave home without it!" He is constantly ready to help a fellow Jew don Tefillin. At a recent Farbrengen attended by students of the Rabbinical College, Rabbi Feller shared many gems.

Click here for more. 

Outreach: Roving Rabbis - Winter 5771

Many of the student Shluchim devoted their recent mid-minter break to reach out to Jews across Australia. Hirschel Gourarie and Shmuel Lipskier recount their experiences in Campbelltown and Parramatta, New South Wales, and the long-lasting impact of their visits. For the details, please click here.

Mendy Kesselman and Yitzchak Einstein visited Canberra and the surrounding region, and recounted their experiences in helping their fellow Jews in their Mitzva observance. For the details, please click here.

Website Feature

Our website is constantly being updated with new features.

Our newest feature is the expanded and updated "Annual Photos" section, which contains most of the annual photos since the founding of Yeshivah Gedolah. Several Shluchim and Kinus Hashlichim group photos are also available. Click here to view these photos.

Another recent feaure is the "Heoros' webpage, which contains a brief history of the "Heoros Hatmimim" publication, as well as an archive of the most recently printed issues. Click here to view the "Heoros" webpage.

The next issue of “Heoros” is scheduled for the 15th of Elul - the anniversary of the establishment of Tomchei Tmimim. All contributions (both in Hebrew or in English) should be submitted no later than 29 Menachem-Av 5771 (August 29, 2011), and may be emailed to

5 Menachem Av 5771
5 August 2011 

Torah Gatherings
Kinus Hashluchim

News & Events
Gimmel Tammuz 5771

Rabbi Feller

Roving Rabbis 5771

Website Feature
Annual Photos

To download as a PDF:



Under the auspices of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson 

67 Alexandra Street
St Kilda East VIC 3183
Contact Details 

Rabbi S. Gutnick
Rabbi Y. Gutnick
Mr H. Herzog
Mr A. Procel
Mr M.

Hon Secretary
Mr H. Herzog 

Executive Committee
Mr H. Herzog
Mr A. Procel
Mr M. Serebryanski
Mr R. Tatarka

Academic Staff
Rabbi B. Cohen
Rabbi S.B. Engel
Rabbi A. Glick
Rabbi S. Goldzweig

Rabbi S. Lesches
Rabbi Y. Schneier
Rabbi M. Szmerling
Rabbi Y. Winner

Executive Director
Mr A. Procel

General Manager
Mr M. Joseph

Hon Accountants
Lowe Lippman

Hon Legal consultants
Mr B Moshel
Spigler & Schwarcz

Attention Alumni:

Do you have a YG experience or photos that you would like to share with the readers of the YG Connection?

Please email us!

67 Alexandra Street, East St Kilda VIC 3183, Australia
Phone: (03) 9525-9165 ~ Fax: (03) 9525-9970