The YG Connection
The Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand E-Magazine
   67 Alexandra Street, East St Kilda VIC 3183, Australia
Phone: (03) 9525-9165 ~ Fax: (03) 9525-9970

Welcome to the premier issue of the YG Connection - your one-stop source for all the latest news and developments at the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand. To subscribe, please visit, or email us at

Dvar Malchus

An Education Lesson from Mordechai

Letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, dated 7 Adar 5712.

Our Sages say that the Miracle of Purim, which rescinded the Heavenly decree for the Jews from death to life, physically and spiritually, was brought about by the fact that Mordechai had gathered 22,000 Jewish children, whom he taught the Torah and with whom he prayed for G-d's mercy. He imbued them with the spirit of self-sacrifice so that they declared unanimously, "In life or in death we will not part from Mordechai!"

Let us remember that Mordechai was one of the heads of the Sanhedrin, the greatest Jew of his time in scholarship, piety and all possible attributes of greatness. Nevertheless, he set everything aside in order to strengthen the foundations of education, actually going in person to teach the holy Torah with piety and Mesiras Nefesh, to small children.

The profound message for us is this: No matter what one's station in life is, or how important one's activities seem to be, one must, first and foremost, dedicate at least some part of his time and efforts to the most important of all causes — saving our young generation through implanting into them devotion to all that has been holy to us ever since our ancestors received the Torah at Mount Sinai, devotion to the point of self-sacrifice. Only in this way can we make sure that the young generation will remain with us, and, as a matter of course, ensure the existence of our people. Moreover, herein lies our strength against all Hamans, and our security under G-d's protection.

New Developments

The Executive of the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand (Yeshivah Gedolah) has announced the expansion of the college’s personnel with the creation of two new staff positions.

Rabbi Schneier is a graduate of Yeshivah College (2002) and Yeshivah Gedolah (2003), who then continued his education at a number of Yeshivos in France, Germany and the USA. He received his rabbinical ordination at Heichal Menachem – Machon Chaim (Melbourne), and pursued further studies at the Central Lubavitcher Yeshivah (New York) and at Kollel Menachem (Melbourne).

Click here for more information.

Mr Mordechai Joseph has been appointed as General Manager. He will be responsible for the general administration of the office and day-to-day operations of the college. For the last forty years, the demands on the college’s office have increased exponentially without a corresponding increase in administrative staff. His appointment is vitally necessary for the college’s future.

Click here for more information.



 The Torah is multi-layered, yet one. In this new series, Nigleh (the revealed dimension of Torah) and Chassidus (the inner dimension of Torah) are fused together. Adapted from a gemoro l’girsa shiur delivered by rabbi shmuel lesches.

The Talmud (Sanhedrin 95b) relates:

After Sancheriv’s catastrophic defeat at the gates of Jerusalem, in which his entire Assyrian army – with the exception of a handful of soldiers – was eradicated by a G-dly angel (Isaiah 37), G-d appeared to Sancheriv in the guise of an elderly man. He said, “When you go back to your allies, whose sons you enlisted in your army and who died at Jerusalem, how will you justify yourself?”

Click here for more. 


Student Initiatives

The students at the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand are involved in a wide array of extra-curricular activities and projects. Below is a brief sampling of these activities.

The Shluchim at Yeshiva Gedolah have generated renewed enthusiasm in the daily lesson of Rambam, with a captivating daily shiur delivered during the dinner break by Menachem Mendel Begun. Additional incentives include a weekly pizza lunch, a monthly restaurant dinner, and monthly raffle with prizes pegged to the amount of attendees. In the month of Adar Rishon, 26 Bochurim committed to and successfully completed four weeks of consecutive study.

Click here to continue.

The Shluchim at Yeshiva Gedolah encourage the students to familiarize themselves with the Rebbe’s talks on the subject of Moshiach. Several booklets containing these talks have been published in both Hebrew and English, replete with related pictures, diagrams and exercises. The students study the material in small groups, and successful graduates of the program receive the book “Besuras HaGeulah” in pocket size form.

Click here to continue.

The Shluchim at Yeshiva Gedolah have begun publishing a new magazine geared towards the students at Yeshivah Gedolah. The magazine imparts valuable practical knowledge through a blend of light-hearted humour and creativity. Features include diagrams to help students chart their way through complex sections of the Gemoroh, analyses of Tanya and Chassidus, Halacha snippets, a tally of the students’ Mivtzoyim (Jewish outreach) progress, and what may perhaps best be described as “Chassidic Trivia”.

Click here to continue.

One of the basics tenets of Chassidus is that an inspiring “Yom-Tov” (Jewish Holiday) is a product of diligent preparation. Purim, one of the happiest days in the Jewish calendar, is certainly no exception. The Shluchim at Yeshiva Gedolah have initiated a campaign to assist the students in preparing themselves suitably for Purim. The “Seder Sichos Shiur” is currently devoted to studying the inner dimensions of the holiday of Purim, with prizes awarded to all regular attendees.

Click here to continue. 



The students at the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand utilize their free time to visit fellow Jews and share words of torah and encourage the performance of an extra mitzvah. below is a brief sampling of their recent activities.

 Yisroel Halon and Shaul Yachad related the following incident that occurred one week on Mivtzoyim. (All names are pseudonyms.)

Abe is the owner of a gym, and one of our regular “clients”. On one particular Friday, we encouraged Abe to put on Tefillin, but he did not feel up to it. Instead, we conversed with him for a little while, and wished him a good Shabbos.

Click here to continue.

This year, Purim will be celebrated on Sunday, March 20. As in the past, the students at the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand will conduct Megillah readings and bring the joy of Purim to a wide variety of businesses, eateries, residencies, hospitals, old age homes, and prisons. Aside from hearing the Megillah, the Mitzvos of Purim include the delivering of Mishloach Manos (gifts of food), giving charity, and participating in a joyous feast. The students at the Rabbinical College prepare and deliver thousands of Mishloach Manos packages to a wide variety of businesses, eateries, residencies, hospitals, old age homes, and prisons. This year, the Mishloach Manos will be packaged inside a unique and newly designed Pushka (charity box).

Click here to continue. 

Passover Australia aims to meet the Passover needs of Jews all over Australia, and in previous years, our efforts have met with resounding success. Our young traveling rabbis are experienced at conducting Pesach Seders Australia-wide, and are currently servicing the following cities: Byron Bay, Cairns, Coffs Harbour, Darwin, Fremantle, and Melbourne. 

Click here to continue. 


Website Feature

Over the years, the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand has featured widely in the media. Some of these articles are now available on our website.

This month's featured article is an editorial reflecting the sentiment of the wider Melbourne Jewish Community on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand. The opinions expressed therein are solely the author's, and not necessarily that of the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand.

Click here to view the featured article in full size.

12 ADAR II 5771
18 MARCH 2011 

Dvar Malchus

New Mashpia
New General Manager

Student Initiatives
The Rambam Club
Besurus Hageulah
Seder Sichos: Purim

Mivtzoyim Report
Purim Events
Passover Australia

Website Feature
In the Press

To download as a PDF:



Under the auspices of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson 

67 Alexandra Street
St Kilda East VIC 3183
Contact Details 

Rabbi S. Gutnick
Rabbi Y. Gutnick
Mr H. Herzog
Mr A. Procel
Mr M.

Hon Secretary
Mr H. Herzog 

Executive Committee
Mr H. Herzog
Mr A. Procel
Mr M. Serebryanski
Mr R. Tatarka

Academic Staff
Rabbi B. Cohen
Rabbi S.B. Engel
Rabbi A. Glick
Rabbi S. Goldzweig

Rabbi S. Lesches
Rabbi Y. Schneier
Rabbi M. Szmerling
Rabbi Y. Winner

Executive Director
Mr A. Procel

General Manager
Mr M. Joseph

Hon Accountants
Lowe Lippman

Hon Legal consultants
Mr B Moshel
Saul Spigler & Schwarcz

Attention Alumni:

Do you have a YG experience or photos that you would like to share with the readers of the YG Connection?

Please email us!

67 Alexandra Street, East St Kilda VIC 3183, Australia
Phone: (03) 9525-9165 ~ Fax: (03) 9525-9970