At the beginning of 2011, Rabbi Yossi Schneier was appointed to the position of Mashpia (Chassidic guide and mentor), joining Rabbi Yaakov Winner in lecturing and teaching the Chassidus curriculum. One of the innovations introduced by Rabbi Schneier is a new methodical approach to assist the students’ comprehension and analysis of Maamarim (Chassidic discourses) studied at Rabbinical College. Over the course of the year, Rabbi Schneier compiled and published a series of booklets that classify and clarify the concepts elucidated in each Ma'amar. These booklets are available online, and future booklets will G-d willing be posted online as they are published.
Click here to download booklets.
"Rambam 7:40"
Several years ago, the “Rambam 7:40” club was founded by Shluchim of the Yeshivah Gedolah of Melbourne, in order to encourage Yeshivah students to learn the daily quota of the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah (Maimonides' compendium of Jewish law), as per the Rebbe’s instructions. At a Farbrengen held on Motzei Shabbos Chai Elul, “Rambam 7:40” marked the conclusion of a seven month program which offered the students first rate incentives for learning Rambam daily.
Click here for more information, and for photos of the event.