Lag B'Omer Message
An Education Lesson from Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai
Letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, dated 14 Iyar 5740 (April 30, 1980).
… As is well known, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai hid in a cave for twelve years, then for another year, because of his uncompromising stand in preserving Yiddishkeit under Roman rule and persecution. When he finally regained freedom, one of the first things he set out to do was to inquire, “Is there anything that needs to be rectified?” Upon learning of such a situation, he immediately set out to rectify it, though it only meant sparing Jews the bother of taking a roundabout route. Yet, since it was a matter of concern to Jews, it deeply touched him, and he spared neither effort nor time until he actually remedied the situation.
Consider: After spending thirteen years in a cave, with only sand to cover his body, and finally emerging painfully scarred by his ordeal — how did he begin his free life? He immediately inquired what there was to rectify, and — true to the principle that “action is the essential thing” — he threw himself into the task and did not rest until it was accomplished …
A further point connected with Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai comes to light at the beginning of the preface to his work, the Zohar: “In the Beginning: Rabbi Shimon opened his remarks, ‘…What sustains the world ... the voice of young children learning Torah, and because of them the world is saved...’”
In Torah-true education of Jewish children, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai’s two teachings converge and come to fruition. It calls for the utmost effort, until every Jewish child, boy and girl, is provided with the kind of education that will ensure they keep the way of G-d in the fullest measure, and pass it on to their children and children’s children.
News & Events
Siyum Harambam 5771
In honour of the completion of the 29th cycle of Rambam, the Yeshivah Gedolah recently hosted a Siyum HaRambam celebration, which was attended by students of the Yeshivah Gedolah, Mesivtah, Heichal Menachem – Machon Chaim and members of the community.
The evening was chaired by Moshe Wolvovsky (Shliach at the Yeshivah Gedolah), and speakers included Yossi Bassman (student at Heichal Menachem – Machon Chaim), Osher Kluwgant (student at Mesivtah), Moshe Winner (student at Yeshivah Gedolah), and the keynote speaker, Rabbi Shimon Cowen.
Click here for more information, and for photos of the event.
A farbrengen is a Chassidic gathering in which the participants inspire each other, in the spirit of true ahavas yisroel (love for one's fellow jew), to lead an exemplary Jewish life. In this new series, we offer you a small sample of the farbrengens that our students attended. What a Hasidic farbrengen can achieve, even the angel Michoel cannot achieve!"
Davening Like the Bears:
Rabbi Adin (Steinsaltz) Even-Yisrael is a well-known teacher and author, most famous for his monumental Hebrew translation and commentary on the Talmud. At a recent Farbrengen in Melbourne, attended by many Yeshivah Gedolah students, Rabbi Steinsaltz shared an anecdote and a lesson.
Click here for more.
Surmounting the Insurmountable:
Rabbi Aaron Eliezer Ceitlin was a member of the fourth Kevutzah (group) of Shluchim to spend two years as the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s emissaries to the Yeshivah Gedolah in Melbourne. Today, he serves as a Shliach in Tzfat (Safed - Israel), and is the director of several Chabad-Lubavitch institutions. Rabbi Ceitlin is a highly regarded and inspirational speaker. At a recent Farbrengen at the Rabbinical College, Rabbi Ceitlin related this story.
Click here for more.
The Blazing Jewish Spark:
Rabbi Areyah Kaltmann is an alumnus of the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand, and the director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Columbus, Ohio. At a recent Farbrengen at the Rabbinical College, Rabbi Kaltmann talked about his experiences as Chabad House Rabbi.
Click here for more.
Mivtzoyim - Outreach
The students at the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand utilize their free time to visit fellow Jews and share words of torah and encourage the performance of an extra mitzvah. below is a brief sampling of their recent activities.
Yisroel Halon recounts his experience reading the Megillah at the Purim Party of Young-UIA, at the MCG:
It was Shabbos, the day before Purim. I was at the Yeshivah Centre, when someone came over to me and asked for help. He told me that a Purim party had been arranged at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, but he had missed out a “small” detail ...
Click here to continue, and for photos of the event.
PURIM 5771
The students of the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand brought the joy of Purim to a wide variety of businesses, eateries, residencies, hospitals, old age homes, markets, schools, childcare centres and prisons. They assisted and participated in various events conducted by local synagogues, Chabad Houses and community organizations. Click here and here for further details and photos of their Purim activities, and click here for photos of the students preparing Mishloach Manos packages.
In the weeks prior to Pesach, the students of the Rabbinical College devoted much of their free time to packaging thousands of hand-baked Shmurah Matzos. The students then distributed the Matzos on their Friday "Mivtzoyim Routes", for a nominal fee.
Click here for photos of the students preparing Shmurah Matzah packages.
In this new series, we present you the fond memories of one of our alumni. Do you have a YG experience or photo that you would like to share with the readers of the YG Connection? Please email us!
Rabbi Aaron Eliezer Ceitlin was a member of the fourth Kevutzah (group) of Shluchim to spend two years as the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s emissaries to the Yeshivah Gedolah in Melbourne. Today, he serves as a Shliach in Tzfat (Safed - Israel), and is the director of several Chabad-Lubavitch institutions. He recently recounted an event which began unfolding when he embarked on his Shlichus to Melbourne. Click here to read the full article, as well as related photos and footage.
Website Feature
Over the years, the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand has featured widely in the media. Some of these articles are now available on our website.
This Pesach, the Rabbinical College hosted a Pesach Seder on its premises for the first time in many years. In honour of this occasion, we present an article which appeared in the Australian Jewish News in 1993, describing a Pesach Seder that was conducted that year at the Yeshivah Gedolah. [The opinions expressed therein are solely the author's, and not necessarily that of the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand.]
Click here to view the featured article in full size.
Another recently added feature is the "archives" section, which contains pictures of Yeshivah Gedolah's early years. Readers are invited to view these pictures online, and to suggest suitables captions and/or to provide further background information and dates .
This month's featured photo presents a scene from 1974, at the welcoming reception held in honour of the newly appointed Rosh Yeshivah of the Yeshivah Gedolah, Rabbi Binyomin Cohen, and his wife. Click here to view the featured photo in full size.
Lag B'Omer Message
News & Events
Siyum HaRambam 5771
Rabbi Steinzalts
Rabbi Ceitlin
Rabbi Kaltmann
Packing Matzah
Purim Report
Packing Shalach Manos
YG Memories
Rabbi Ceitlin
Website Feature
In the Press
To download as a PDF:
Under the auspices of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson
67 Alexandra Street
St Kilda East VIC 3183
Contact Details
Rabbi S. Gutnick
Rabbi Y. Gutnick
Mr H. Herzog
Mr A. Procel
Mr M. Serebryanski
Hon Secretary
Mr H. Herzog
Executive Committee
Mr H. Herzog
Mr A. Procel
Mr M. Serebryanski
Mr R. Tatarka
Academic Staff
Rabbi B. Cohen
Rabbi S.B. Engel
Rabbi A. Glick
Rabbi S. Goldzweig
Rabbi S. Lesches
Rabbi Y. Schneier
Rabbi M. Szmerling
Rabbi Y. Winner
Executive Director
Mr A. Procel
General Manager
Mr M. Joseph
Hon Accountants
Lowe Lippman
Hon Legal consultants
Mr B Moshel
Spigler & Schwarcz